Amy Podhurst

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Amy Podhurst is a Doctor of Acupuncture, licensed in New York and Massachusetts, and practices in Huntington Station, New York York.   After working in Western medicine for two decades,  Amy decided to help people heal more holistically. 

Dr. Amy treats the root cause of her clients’ ailments, instead of simply treating their symptoms.  In Western medicine if someone has back pain (for example), a doctor will typically prescribe him or her medication to treat the pain. Eastern medicine looks at why someone has back pain and focuses on treating the root cause of the pain.

The sick body knows how to heal itself naturally, but has gotten thrown off track for some reason. Whether from physical trauma, intense emotions, or an outside force (such as the weather). Amy does not claiming that she can cure anyone. Instead, she believes that the patient’s body heals itself and she acts as a facilitator in that healing.

Our bodies want to be in homeostasis. They crave balance. Acupuncture encourages the body back into natural balance.  Dr. Amy loves when someone receives treatment from her for one problem and finds that other ailments disappear naturally at the same time.

Let Dr, Amy work together with you to restore balance in your body through acupuncture. Contact her for an appointment today.